The Fed5 is my first choice. Its solid and reliable and doesn`t take batteries. In this model you got the benefit of having a lightmeter, which is quite accurate(for what it is...).
The Jupiter-lens is a dream. The 8 aperture blades are creating nice bokeh, if thats is important for you.
Shutterspeed goes from B to 1/500
Like all russian rangefinder the Fed5 has no framelines, but the window itsself fits to the 50mm frame pretty good.
The second camera is the Zorki 4. No meter, no battery, no film advance lever. Like the Fed, the Zorki can take every M39 lens. The viewfinder fits pretty much to a 50mm.
The shutterspeed goes from B to 1/1000.
The last rangefinder ist the Kiev 4. Again, no batties, no film advance lever. The construction is weird to use. The 50mm lens locks up at infinity focus and needs to be umlocked with a button. I normally use a 35mm lens whereby this problem doesn`t exist.
The viewfinder is optimized for 50mm lenses. For the 35mm you need a external finder on the coldshoe.The film takeup spool is probably the worst I`ve ever seen in a camera. You need to constantly tighten the film, to prevent it from overlapping....but it will happen anyway. If you buy a Kiev 4, make shure, that the original spool is in the camera. Selfmade spools are even worse.
The most solid on is the Fed5. Its easy to use and brings consistent results. With the Zorki and the Kiev I`ve always had trouble. Hanging times, overlapping images, blocking mechanics, freezing shutters(in the winter) etc....
If you are interested in some more modern rangefinders, which are better in terms of reliability, accuracy and have framelines, you should definitely look for japanese brands!